Qrazy Van Arek SD-MACH

Qrazy is out of OTCh Kwick Van Arek SchH3, AD, SD-S (SP) and A'Farley Von Donnertal SchH3, AD, TT. She has high prey drive, and the speed and agility her mother was known for. Somewhat impulsive like her father, with a cat-like tendency to be found in high places and balancing on the most narrow of surfaces, she is often a source of laughs around here. High energy, paired with high food and ball drives, make this girl is a joy to train. Qrazy has the same precision and flash in Obedience that Kwick has, and a slight edge in bite work. Using her natural hunt drive, she currently trains in Sport Detection, having recently completed her SD-MACH. While she is environmentally and socially stable, focusing fully on her work regardless of her surroundings, she is not one to make friends with strangers.
OFA Hips/Elbows: Hips: OFA Excellent (BM-2637E46F-VPI) and Elbows: OFA Normal (BM-EL1500F46-VPI)
SDCA Subtypes 1 and 2: Clear (determined via research at University of Bern)